英文耹聽with transcript

2008-02-04 3:53 am
我想問有無咩網頁 會有英文聽 而又有埋成篇文章係度
最好係新聞 而且不停有更新

ps 唔好sell d 英文課程比我
另外 我已知有故事書 有埋讀本cd 了

回答 (2)

2008-02-10 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm sure that you're a hardworking student. I'd recommend the BBC's 'learning English' website as it provides you with the video clips, scripts, and vocabulary items of some major news events. The information is updated on a monthly basis.

Here's the link:
參考: www.bbc.co.uk
2008-02-04 4:02 am

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