BIO_ the use of medulla in kidney

2008-02-04 1:37 am
what is the uses of the medulla?
the textbook said inside the medulla are a number of cone-like structures which stick out into a central cavity. So what is the cone-like structure??

I don't mind you ues chinese to reply but please ues english for the special terms.

回答 (2)

2008-02-04 9:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
cone-like structure = Loop of Henle( U shape)
The ascending limb of Loop of Henle is permeable to ions, so ions can move in from medullas to Loop of Hendle, this reduces the water potential of the filtrate, so less water lost from our body.
The descending limb of Loop of Hendle is permeable to water, so water can move out from Loop of Hendle to medulla, this reduces the water potential of the filtrate, so less water lost again.
Hope it is helpful.

2008-02-07 03:12:08 補充:
Since it has a U shape, ascending limb is the part going up, descending limb is the part going down
參考: from my knowledge
2016-09-22 5:29 pm
參考: Kidney Disease Healing Secrets -

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:04:29
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