
2008-02-03 8:32 pm
correct the following sentences

1. It looked a ghost house and nobody lived in the house.

2.Ken conclude ever after not any more telling horrible ghost stories again.

3.However after this time made me more brave than last.

4.After we heard some strange sounds, we went to the head of the sounds fearfully.



回答 (2)

2008-02-07 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 ) looked (like) 看起來像

2 ) (concluded) past tense
(not telling any more)

3 ) However after this time, (it) would make (形容將來的事, past future tense) me more brave. (than last不用寫, 前面己講咗this time)

4 ) (had heard) after用作句子之後之分, 前面用past perfect tense, 後面用past perfect tense

2008-02-07 10:52:57 補充:
打錯字更正4 ) (had heard)after用作句子之後之分, 前面用past perfect tense, 後面用past tense
2008-02-04 6:05 am
英文句子錯誤修正 ?

The solution :

1 ) No wrong ~

2 ) Ken ( concludes ) ever after not any more telling horrible ghost stories again.
< 第三生單數 >

3 ) However after this time made me more brave than last ( time ) .
< 人地有何能會唔知你講緊上一什麼 >

4 ) No wrong ~
參考: My brain

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