
2008-02-03 11:50 am
咩事? 呢2個中文字

1. What's the matter? 或者
2. What's up?

如果唔係, 咩事英文係咩, 咁上面個2句英文又點樣用架?


回答 (4)

2008-02-03 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
咩事 - What's the matter? / What's going on? / What happens? / What happened? / What's up?

What's the matter? - 通常係用係比較正經或認真的情況下

What's up? - 通常用係輕鬆的對答下.
有些外國人流行同朋友打招呼時說: Hey, what's up? 意思係: 喂, 點呀你? 成為一種問候語.
2008-02-03 7:08 pm
What's the matter?(correct)
What's up?(0k)
What's up?just like the people say in america
參考: me
2008-02-03 2:53 pm
我今年move to canada,感其實我已經好熟d外國文化,so你可以trust我
what's the matter is usually you use it for writing or you are really like unhappy/好煩 or really impolit(唔尊重)
what's up: usually we speall it is was up but what's up is the real one. is replying people when they say hey or hi or that kind of stuff. and you will only say that in chating but not writing cause what's up is so 口語.
參考: me~
2008-02-03 11:55 am
1. What's the matter?
2. What's up?


好似D黑鬼成日講:What's up man....
參考: me

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