讀poly u設計的方法

2008-02-03 8:13 am
學曆只得中五,有什麼其它方法能進入poly u的平面設計系?(除讀ive這方法外)

回答 (2)

2008-02-04 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.degree 唔同asso
asso 係在speed 到報
degree / higher diploma係可以經 jupas or non jupas 報

不過人地係有diploma or higher diploma or asso既cert

唔使帶好多..貴精不貴多...我諗1-2份都得(係有full process o個d wo)
如果你profolio唔係有好多頁o個d or 係無process o個d...咁你帶多少少


2008-02-03 10:27 pm
The program hold by school of design is a BA (hon) program.
副學士 is Associate Degree (AD), after completing AD/HD then you can carry on degree program.
Non-jupas entrance means you are not applying the program under the qualification of AL, but through other aspects, like diploma, working experience...etc.
A form 5 student CANNOT apply for a degree program, you still need to finish a diploma or HD from some other ways.
You can apply for the HD of SD 1st, not degree. School fee is same as others as this program is GDC fund.

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