Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end

2008-02-03 7:13 am
Woody Allen, 'Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end.'

What does this mean exactly?

回答 (2)

2008-02-05 5:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Having read the interpretations of jklo911, I just can't help joining this discussion.
I can't agree with jklo911's first explanation. 'Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end.' By "towards the end", it means you are already "IN eternity". So if you have just died, you are nowhere NEAR the end of eternity -- you've only just begun to be part of it!
The second explanation is more likely. Sometimes you hear people say "It will take forever to finish this." This long wait is agonising and annoying, and you just want it to stop. When you know that what you are waiting is about to come, you become so very eager to finish the business, and the minutes will be like hours to you.
And I'd like to propose a THIRD possibility. It could mean that you have experienced something for a very very long time, just like eternity, and it's become SO boring to you that you just want to quit. Again, we are talking about a long wait, and we are talking about ending it, but there's no excitement in this meaning -- you just want to see the end of boredom.
2008-02-05 11:43 am
This means that eternity is a very long time (exactly as what he stated) because eternity means's a very looooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time.

especially towards the end can be regarded as:

1. you die and it's the end and your soul will truly be wandering that's probably the longest time


2. when you await something for a very long time, the longest wait (in your mind) is always towards the end. Have you every waited for something for a very long time and you know it is about to happen really really soon...that very very soon will become a very long time in your mind because you are eagerly anticipating it. So, eternity is especially long toward the end.

Hope this helps.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 22:29:44
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