我部casio ex-s770 唔知做咩

2008-02-03 6:59 am
無啦啦好似hand左咁 按咩制都唔得 點算好???

回答 (3)

2008-02-03 8:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以找DC Fever 網站的 阮師傅 整,特設1 小時維修服務, 很多人找他的. 你可 call 佢格價, 電話: 9495 4694

高捷電業 地址 : 旺角西洋菜南街1A , 百利商業大廈 2210室(California Gym 樓上)

星期一至日 10:30am -8:00pm 年中無休, 免費檢查. 可即時電話報價. 更多有關資料 可去以下網站查看
2008-02-05 1:05 am
你部casio s770無啦啦好似hand左咁 按咩制都唔得
有冇跌過? 或者撞過鏡頭部份?
有時鏡頭kick住,唔出唔入,便全部function key 無反應
你找特區數碼維修黃師傅 ,
他是免費檢查報價的, 收費一d都唔貴

你可先致電查詢 黃師傅電話 2332 6051



2008-02-04 3:38 am
AFAIK it takes a long wait for a Casio DC to format the camera's internal memory as well as SD cards. But this is the only instance the camera may hang up which I know of.
If the S770 freezes up during other operations, try doing the following:
1. Remove the battery from the camera and let it sit for a while;
2. Make sure the battery is in full working condition, otherwise get a new one and have it fully recharged;
3. Put the fully charged battery back into the camera, perform a hard reset if possible;
4. Turn on the camera, test all functions and see if the problem still persists.
If the above steps don't remedy your problem, then perhaps there's conflict with the internal electronics which needs to be resolved at the repair centre, ie. Jebsen. Have the camera checked up there.

2008-02-03 19:40:34 補充:
It is much safer to bring the defective camera to Jebsen first, rather than to other third-party technician. Otherwise, you will void the original warranty. Third-party technicians are good at repairing out-of-warranty products, and that should be treated as the very last resort.

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