Demand and Supply for Computer Softwares...

2008-02-03 6:33 am
About economics:
如果我sell Computer softwares online的話,每件good 的marginal cost = ZERO.(因為只係copy)
那麼,Demand and Supply curves 會係怎樣的?

[我個人認為supply and demand 是同一條curve, 因為只是有人按 “BUY" button 時,manufacturer才會supply]

回答 (2)

2008-02-04 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) NO variable cost e.g. delivery costs, admin costs etc
2) some amount of fixed cost e.g. cost of original copy, R&D of the software etc

Horizontal line above the zero cost

Normal demand curve but not horizonal coz higher the price of the software, lower the quantity demanded. The demand curve isn't affected why how the softwares are supplied.
參考: My knowlege
2008-02-11 9:45 am
因為Supply curve其實代表生產每一個quantity既cost,
只有price係supply curve之上先會被生產

而家既然作係sell softwares online.
咁marginal cost係zero
所以supply curve應該係horizontally lies on X-axis

上面果位話因為有fixed cost,
而應該係above zero其實唔係好岩
因為fixed cost係sunk cost
所以唔會反映係supply curve度

所以... MC = 0, Supply curve lies on X-axis

而Demand curve就係普通downward sloping
因為Law of Demand...
full price and Qd are negatively related, other factors being constant
參考: myself

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