去美國 - 芝加哥 , 想買來回平機票

2008-02-03 6:09 am
去美國芝加哥, 想買來回平機票

我5月9想到美國, 約在美留2星期, 想買平機票(不過一定要直航, 請問何時有美國機票優惠推廣, 或邊度買會平d?)
thanks !!!!

回答 (2)

2008-02-05 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港暫時無直航到芝加哥既航班, 你可考慮以下3間航空公司 :

國泰 : 香港 / 美國洛杉磯 / 芝加哥 來回HKD10,940
西北 : 香港 / 日本東京 / 明尼亞波尼斯 / 芝加哥 來回HKD10,090
大韓 : 香港 / 韓國仁川 / 芝加哥 來回HKD9,500

農曆新年過後, 會有平價機票推出, 越早定越平, 你密切留意吧, 祝旅途愉快 !
2008-02-05 8:55 pm
United Airline offer non stop flight from Hong Kong to Chicago.I checked the price and the schedule for you from united.com.The price for an adult is $ 1692 US dollars.United ariline is using their 747-400 from Hong Kong to Chicago and from Chicago back to Hong Kong.Their schedule is follow.

United flight 896.Leaving Hong Kong on May-9 12:45 pm and arrived Chicago on May-9(please remember Chicago is centeral time zone in United States,which is 13 hours behind HK)@ 2:20 pm.It would take 14 hours and 35 minutes to complete this flight.

United flight895.Leaving Chicago O'Hare international airport 12:20 pm and arrive Hong Kong 4:45 pm.It would take 15 hours and 25 minutes to complete this flight.

Hope this information can help you.And I want to let you know the price I give to you is directly from their offical company webiste.If you reserve the ticket from the agent,the price may vary.

Hope you have a great trip to go to Chicago,please excuse me I am not able to type in Chinese.

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