Mathematics Questions 5 marks

2008-02-03 4:23 am
2. p, q, r are the lengths of the sides of ΔPQR in which∠PRQ=θ. The length r is 8 less that the product of the lengths p and q.
The lengths pa nd q are the roots of the quadratic equation x^2 - 8x +m = 0 where m≠0.

(i) Show that cosθ = (14=m)/2
(ii) Hence show that ΔPQR exist for 12<16.
(iii) And Hence, find the values of m for which θ is obtuse.

Can you explain more about why p+q=8 and pqm?? I can't get it, thank you.

回答 (1)

2008-02-03 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
2. p, q, r are the lengths of the sides of ΔPQR in which∠PRQ=θ. The length r is 8 less that the product of the lengths p and q.
The lengths pa nd q are the roots of the quadratic equation x^2 - 8x +m = 0 where m≠0.

(i) Show that cosθ = (14=m)/2
(ii) Hence show that ΔPQR exist for 12<16.
(iii) And Hence, find the values of m for which θ is obtuse.
= (14-m)/2
Area of ΔPQR
=(1/2)m√(1- [(14-m)/2]^2)
So m^2-28m+192<0
and then 12<m<16
θ is obtuse implies cosθ<0
Combine with (ii)
The values of m is 14<m<16

2008-02-03 13:49:44 補充:
p and q are the roots of the quadratic equation x^2 - 8x +m = 0用SUM AND PRODUCT OF THE ROOTS

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