
2008-02-03 3:44 am
我同朋友响 2005 年起開始工作, 唔知點解, 我地到依家都未曾收過報稅表!

我問過其他朋友, 佢地話我收到 ge 係 Form IR56M, 我即係自僱人士. 同好多海外來港工作人士或建築工人一樣, 唔使報稅 ge wor? 係咪真 ga??

如果唔係, 我使唔使通知稅局開番我個 file? 到報稅時又應該點報呢??


回答 (3)

2008-02-03 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
僱主同你及朋友報IR56M就即係唔當你係僱員,咁勞工法例下啲保障都無你地份,強積金又唔使供。 試過有個唔知係三、四判,稅局查佢,交唔出啲數要去稅局自殺,所以要清楚自己要唔要交?交利得稅定薪俸稅? 上去稅務大樓一樓詢問處問吓就一清二楚。 祝新年進步!
參考: www.ird.gov.hk
2008-02-05 7:29 am
2008-02-05 1:12 am
First of all, you and your friend should go back your company to ask the status of your employment. If your company does not offer the employment to you and your friend, your company should tell you and your friend to apply for the business registration as the sub-contractor for your company. For example, the insurance company will ask their agents to apply for the business registration, then the agents will report the tax personally. Do not listen others to say of no need to report tax.
Now, you should go to the Inland Revenue Department in Wanchai of 4/F to apply for the business registration, this takes about 1 hour to get one. Your friend can go together with you. After 12 months, the IRD will issue the individual tax return for you to report of the taxes. You can find the qualified accountant to prepare the tax return together with the financial statements for you.

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