why people always say have UFO?

2008-02-02 9:09 pm
why people always say have UFO?

回答 (2)

2008-02-12 10:52 pm
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Why do some people always say there are UFO?
(為何人們老是聲稱UFO是存在的 / 見到UFO?)

1. As you may know, UFO stands for unidentified flying objects. It is usually associated with lifeforms allegedly from outside the earth or other supernatural elements.
UFO是所謂"不明飛行物體". 通常和傳說中的外星人或者其他超自然現象聯想起來.
2. Those who insist UFOs exist cannot produce any concrete evidence to state their claims. Some of them insist their claims because they are misled to believe some normal objects, such as planes or birds are UFOs.
堅稱有UFO的人提不出證據證實他們的說法. 有些人仍堅持, 可能是因為他們看見一些尋常物體, 例如飛機和鳥, 誤以為是UFO.
3. For some, it may be a psychological phenomenon. The mysteries surrounding UFOs have fascinated many, and may sometimes cloud the judgement of some eager follower of the theory. Some would rather convince themselves on flimsiest of evidence that they exists, than to accept the truth that they do not.
另一些堅有UFO的人也許受心理作用所蒙蔽. 因為UFO的事情很神秘, 人們迷上了UFO的傳說, 心底希望它是真的, 所以只憑薄弱的證據就堅稱有UFO, 不願意接受事實, 使夢想幻滅.

參考: ME
2008-02-02 9:57 pm
UFO means unidentified flying object. 不明飛行物體.

d 人見到一d 佢地唔識既嘢喺天空上面飛, d人都會叫嗰d 嘢做 UFO.

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