about comic(10)

2008-02-02 6:48 pm
I'm good at art, and i wanna draw comic, where can i buy tools to draw ??

回答 (3)

2008-02-05 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港九龍旺角弼街 75-77 號地舖 (洗衣街交界)

2008-02-04 18:08:51 補充:
電話 : 23900228
參考: 冇....自己本身知
2008-02-05 7:21 am
IN fact, U can just go to the stationery store to buy.

But if U want to buy some tools that is good, you can go to Monk Kok/Central to find some.

2008-02-04 23:22:23 補充:
I hope U can buy them.
參考: ME!!
2008-02-02 6:55 pm
Of course , in the stationary shop or in the book shop
參考: myself

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