急~~~~~~Princess Diana 本書講咩嫁?(英文版)

2008-02-02 6:44 pm
5該可5可以詳細介紹下Princess Diana?

回答 (1)

2008-02-10 11:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這本書是講述diana 的一生,diana 在小時侯是一個活潑可愛天真的女孩,她一直希望自己嫁給一個愛自己的男人,她天真的以為查爾斯王子深愛著自己,可惜查爾斯愛的卻是卡米拉,最後她還是嫁給了查爾斯,期間diana懷有身孕,在這段期間她曾經試過自殺,幸好沒有事,長子威廉王子出生和次子哈里王子出生令diana非常開心,她非常疼愛自己的孩子....但不久查爾斯王儲和黛安娜王妃正式分居和離婚,黛安娜依然是人民的王妃,她是一個有愛心的王妃,可惜她在一次車禍中死亡,人民紛紛衷悼..她安葬在她父親的家族墓地,她永遠是人民的王妃.

This book is the narration of Diana's life. Princess Diana was a lovely girl when she was a child. She wishes to marry a man that loves her forever. She thought that Prince Charles loved her deeply but Prince Charles was in love with Camilla. Princess Diana married Prince Charles finally. She tried to commit suicide while she was pregnant, luckily she didn't get hurt. Princess Diana was extremely happy for the born of her first son Prince William and second son Prince Harry. She loved her children very much.... Soon the Prince Charles and Diana officially separated and divorced. Princess Diana was still in people's mind. She was a amiable princess, it was a pity that she was dead in a traffic accident, people were deeply disheartened by her death. She was buried in her father's family burial place, she's a princess of people forever.

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