乜野係 yellow snow

2008-02-02 5:48 pm
我打機見到 don"t eat yellow snow 咁乜野係 yellow snow????

回答 (3)

2008-02-02 6:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我諗你打機見到"dont eat yellow snow"o既意思係唔好食黃色o既雪,因為或有狗/人尿尿左落白色o既雪上面... >_<
以下係一個yellow snow o既例子:
另外一位外國藝人Frank Zappa "Dont eat the yellow snow"中其中一句歌詞係"Watch out where the huskies go, and dont you eat that yellow snow", 意思係小心huskies(狗種)係邊,你唔好食o的黃雪(因為佢地係雪上小便呢)
2008-02-02 6:21 pm
" Don't eat the yellow snow" is a story book, so "yellow snow' is created by the writer, so you have to read or else you won't know what is it.


Hope I can help u la~
2008-02-02 6:04 pm
參考: 場

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