If someone lies to you, do you ever give them a second chance?

2008-02-02 12:11 am

回答 (20)

2008-02-02 12:27 am
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Second chance...yes....trust.....that comes much much latter.
2008-02-02 8:21 am
It depends on what they lied about and the reason they lied. Everyone lies at one time or another in their life. Find out the facts of why, then decide.
2008-02-02 8:21 am
They probably lied to you because they didn't wanna lose you?? ..Could be a possibility...But everyone deserves another chance.
2008-02-02 9:25 am
I used to. Over and over again. Guess it had something to do with being an optimist, and seeing the potential good in everyone.

However, when I began attending Al-Anon I discovered that I was being damaged by this kind of behavior. It was also extremely disrespectful of another person to expect them to change just because you wanted them to.

Now I acknowledge the fact that this person has lied to me numerous times in the past, and that I can therefore not take his or her word as fact. They may seek to regain my trust, and perhaps someday they will, but for know I can use the knowledge that they lie to protect myself.
2008-02-02 8:43 am
You can try - I've tried off and on throughout my life - but I don't know. I've never had it be the same after someone lies.
2008-02-02 8:32 am
We all tell 'white lies', lies that are meant to protect or prevent hurt feelings. How important a matter is it? You haven't said what kind of lying is involved so I have to be vague in response.

A real friend, spouse, or significant other doesn't have to lie about the important stuff so they won't. Period.

Love is about not having to question the motives or the whereabouts, the actions or intentions of another.
Love may not be responsible FOR someone else but it is responsible TO someone else and if you can't trust, you have nothing but illusion.
2008-02-02 8:30 am
many times I give not only a second chance but more chances ,sometimes is really very difficult give only a second chance.
2008-02-02 8:23 am
Depends on what your giving them a chance at really. I may, but trusting them is a whole other story.
2008-02-02 8:22 am
It depends on the lie. if its something big, no I wouldn't forgive them and if it hurt me big even if it's a little lie I wouldn't.I f it's small or no big big deal I would.also if I can get over it Iwould give them a second chance also i would think my desion through.
參考: Me
2008-02-02 8:19 am
I believe if they truly feel sorry for what they've done. I believe it's worth another shot. Only time can tell if someone has truly earned the second chance.
2008-02-02 8:17 am
depends what they lied about. if it was whether or not they killed my brother, i really wouldn't give them a second chance. but if it was because they couldn't make it to a game because my girlfriend and they said they were busy, i'd probably give them a second chance.
參考: me

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