Cannon 860IS, Casio S880, Z1050, Panasonic TZ3, FX55 ??

2008-02-02 12:29 am
Which one is better from the above models???Can u explain more detail??

回答 (2)

2008-02-03 12:53 am
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我會選cannon的IXUS 860 IS 影相對焦快,更可全按快門不對焦影,snapshot一流! 3吋靚清mon + 28mm~(買呢部機既原因)拍片有得Zoom(又係買呢部機既原因)拍片zoom到最遠15x用防震功能真係無得頂!畫面真係無咁震! save相睇相快,可能係用左digit3既原因~ 都算慳電。
至於Panasonic TZ3, FX55影出黎D相就noise較多, ISO100的還可以接受.... 100以上的都唔駛諗~
Casio S880, Z1080只係一般DC仔
LCD 質素差,不及 Ex Z-1000
2008-02-10 8:58 am
I prepare Canon 860IS.

1. For Japanese brand, only Nikon can be compare with Canon. Their experience and technology are the top one in Japan. Their database (experience) and technology make them produces a best camera.
2. The new IS system (anti-shock system, it is very useful).
3. With a 28mm wide shot.
4. 3" clear LCD.
5. ISO 1600, even though the picture quality is not good, but better than nothing.
6. Face detect function.

Therefore, I bought a new 1 on last week.

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