If x/x=1, then 0/0=? Is it =1 or =0 or =infinity ?

2008-02-01 4:42 pm
If x/x=1, then 0/0=?
Is it =1 or =0 or =infinity ?
What's the answer?

回答 (5)

2008-02-02 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是未有定義的,因為在定義除法(division)時,已經將分母為0的情況剔除了,所以 x/0是未有定義的,即是不合除法的法則。

/ : Rx(R\{0}) ---> R ( / 為除法的代表附號)

2008-02-02 8:24 am
0/0 = undefined~
it's becoz everything devided by 0 is useless.
so when you press 0/0 on your caltor...
maths error will shown.
2008-02-01 5:42 pm
It absolutely won't be 0 or 1.
All the equations if the denominator(分母) equals to 0, then basically it equals to infinity.
2008-02-01 5:25 pm
Of course, 0/0 = 0
參考: =*-*=
2008-02-01 4:59 pm
for any x/0 = infinity!!!

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