✔ 最佳答案
紅腸=Sausage ... 點都譯少左d野瓜...
芝士腸=Cheese intestines <-生物....use sausage la
墨魚丸=Sepia pill 八瓜魚octopus 水魷魚squid 墨魚cuttle fish 我見多d
蟹皇丸=Crab emperor pill ..... pill~=drug.... ball is better
龍蝦丸=Lobster pill
鴨胸=Duck chest
魚片頭=Fish film title .......... 我唔知乜係魚片頭,...可以既話話我知
雞軟骨=Chicken cartilage
惹味雞柳=Annoys the taste chicken willow tree 唔......
和風雞翼=Gentle breeze chicken wing .................... japanese style
燒賣=Steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top .............. i think 譯音好d
豬頸肉=Pig neck meat ........... pork chuck
煙肉腸仔=Bacon intestines .....
煙肉芋絲=Bacon sweet potato silk ........... 芋=taro
煙肉西芹=West bacon celery ........... 西煙肉西芹??
煙肉車厘茄=Bacon Che Lich'ieh ........... cherry tomato
花枝丸=Flowering branch pill ........... =.= 花枝=墨魚
燒牛肉球=Burns the beef ball ........... roast
司華力腸=Si Huali intestines 自己搵
日式雞腎=Japanese type chicken kidney
秘制牛柳=Peru system Niu Liu .......... Tenderloin
魚蛋 = 咁都問 !!
參考資料: by 上面既人