
2008-02-01 5:47 am
I want to ask
When during night,the plant cannot carry out photosynthesis,
then how can it covert glucose to starch???(After it absorbs glucose )

回答 (3)

2008-02-01 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is incorrect to say that there is no starch production at night. Starch and glucose that already exsist in the plant are interconvertible independent of light.
Photosyntheis produces glucose, not starch. Starch is produced by condensation of glucose, which can be done without the presence of light. Meanwhile, glucose can also be produced by hydrolysis of starch, also without the presence of light.

2008-02-01 15:48:53 補充:
@匿名: It would be great if you could explain how your copy-and-pasted answer relates to the original question.
2008-02-01 6:30 am
There is no starch production @ night
參考: me
2008-02-01 6:27 am
Plant respiration, the enzymatic oxidation of substrates in plants, leading to the release of carbon dioxide.

Plant respiration

Plant respiration is the oxidation of certain substrates by enzymes, leading to a release of carbon dioxide. It can be loosely thought of as the opposite of photosynthesis, though the net release of carbon dioxide in respiration is less than carbon uptake in photosynthesis.
Respiration is an essential life process in plants. It is necessary for the synthesis of essential metabolites including carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids, as well as for the transport of minerals and other solutes between cells. It consumes between 25 and 75% of all the carbohydrates produced in photosynthesis at ordinary growth rates.

2008-02-01 19:51:42 補充:
參考: 維基百科

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