COREL DRAW 可否把jpg轉向量?

2008-02-01 1:55 am
請問COREL DRAW 可否把jpg退地save as做向量?定係一定要自己慢慢鈎線?


回答 (2)

2008-02-05 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
搵到個退地既例子, 不過係英文的, 希望您能夠明白.
(D 圖 load 到幾慢下, 要等一等)
Convert Bitmap Image to Vector Image - Corel CorelDraw Tutorial

Vikki Olds
May 2005
There are times when you are using a bitmap image in CorelDraw that you want to apply some transformations to it. Unfortunately some transformations cannot be applied to bitmaps. Fortunately for us, CorelDraw has a utility that makes it possible for us to apply transformations to a converted bitmap and we do that by using CorelTrace.
Load a bitmap onto your canvas.


Go to Bitmaps>Trace Bitmap.


The Corel Trace program will open with your bitmap in a left pane and a black image in the right pane.


For this tutorial go to Trace>By Advanced Outline. You can see there are many other options here for you to choose from.


Corel Trace will now convert your bitmap to a vector image.


When it's done, you can save the trace or simply close Corel Trace. Your vector image will replace the bitmap in CorelDraw automatically.


Now, to apply transformations or other effects to your vector you might want to ungroup everything by going to Arrange>Ungroup All.


Once you do that you will see nodes representing all the objects in you new vector image that can be manipulated.


Corel Trace does a wonderful job at conversion. Below is the screenshot of the vector and below it is a screenshot of the original bitmap image.



Have fun!
Copyright (c) 2005, Vikki Olds, All Rights Reserved
2008-02-01 3:23 am

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