
2008-02-01 1:22 am

回答 (3)

2008-02-01 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
feel人地的iedes(意念)不太好:I see your point but I am afriad that I do not agree with you
中學面試會有(英文)小組討論,我想搶先答點說:Let"s start. Shall we ?/Today ,we are talking about ....
參考: ME
2008-02-03 1:42 am

feel人地的iedes(意念)不太好: 1.i do not agree with your opinions, i think...(完全不一意見)
2.i think your point of view has a little bit
difference from mine(有點意見不一)
3. I have a different point of view from you(完全不一意見)
參考: hope you will have a ideal marks of the discussion!
2008-02-01 1:39 am
如果你fell人地ge ideas不太好,你可以用英文說.....
I don't agree your suggestion,I think..............

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