
2008-01-31 11:51 pm
邊度出名學揸小型飛機? 澳洲?

回答 (4)

2008-02-01 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
我可以同你分享吓美國既經驗, 考PPL, 同考車牌一樣, 有2部份, 筆試 + 飛行試, 筆試係電腦選擇題, 香港都可以安排考, 你可以在網上, 或者托朋友先買書睇, 咁樣你唔需要留咁長時間係外面, 可以慳返好大筆生活費, 甚至驗身, 都可以係香港做, 不過價錢香港同美國差唔多, 到你筆試已經Pass左, 先去考 "飛" 個部份, 一般情況, 4個星期, 可以順利考到個PPL.

至於飛行學校, 係美國, 真係多到眼花撩亂, 我唔想同佢地賣廣告, Yahoo/Google打 Learn To Fly, 自己慢慢選吧! 不過, 我建議你選擇學校在 Class C 既機場比較好, 因為Class B 既機場會好煩忙, 每次起飛同降落, 都要排隊, 係 SFO 同 Oakland, 如果你應ATC稍為慢d, 佢地都會對你好唔客氣, 而 Class D 同 E 既機場又太靜, 有d甚至無ATC, 學唔到野.

至於用什麼型號飛機, 個人意見, Cessna (172 或 152) 好過 Piper, 因為Piper係low wing, 降落時會受Ground Effect影響比較多, 初學者比較難應付.

祝好運 ! Happy Landing !
參考: 我有美國PPL (Instrument Rated)
2008-02-03 4:51 am
There are MANY in US/Australia.
Duration depends on your ability/performance and weather.... some can finish it in 3-4 weeks while some take 5-6 mths....
FTP is a school in australia where all cx pilots train there
That's FTA where CX cadet pilots are trained at. And FTA doesn't entertain individual student pilots.
2008-02-02 5:41 am
u can learn in HK but it is more expensive to get your PPL.
Go to US / Australia!
FTP is a school in australia where all cx pilots train there.
2008-02-01 7:39 am
PPL cost around US$8000. go to yahoo.com.au click search after type in learn to fly.

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