廿六歲學小提琴會否太老了 ?

2008-01-31 10:20 pm
以前小學時學過一排但係已經忘記得七七八八, 想pickup 返, 唔知會唔會有難度. 有無邊度學小提琴既地方介紹 ?

回答 (10)

2008-02-02 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) 我聽老師講, 有D 30幾歲學鋼琴, 過幾年都考到演奏級. 但真係畀努力練琴同埋SCALE.

2) 成年人理解力強, 好多野都比小朋友易明. 不過最大問題係厚面皮唔敢問問題; 唔去嘗試諗技術既問題; 唔練琴. 當然成年人冇小朋友咁多自由同埋空閒, 呢D野要你自己安排.

3) 你有底, 更加EASY JOB

你不妨考慮多一排, MEANWHILE買D小提琴小品CD / 上YOUTUBE聽下, 等自己餓下琴, 咁你就會好想練琴架喇.

最後都係果一句: 拉得好唔好, 最重要因素係畀幾多時間練琴

2008-02-02 11:12:59 補充:
唔好去團體練習果D喇. 你應該有工作, AFFORD得起單對單. 單對單老師花係你時間多, 會更易明同埋令你知更多. 邊間好好難講, 柏斯通利就保證老師有八級或以上; 其他琴行就未必有咁既保證; 不過你只係由初級學返, 邊間琴行學都冇所謂啦. 因為最梗要教你果個肯教, 呢一點就唔係話邊間琴行可以保證你了. 因為我聽過有一位好高級 (一講就知果隻, 所以我唔講)既老師既學生, 覺得學唔到野乜濟...你學一兩個月, 覺得冇野學到就轉老師啦. 反正老師唔係一世既, 轉下老師可以畀你轉下角度理解小提琴同埋音樂. 呢D錢同埋時間係值得花既.
參考: 自己
2008-02-04 6:50 am
"Age" doesn't matter. I am late 30's and I just started to learn violin playing from Jan. One lesson a week (one-to-one private lesson). Just had the 5th lesson yesterday. But I still make good progress. If I have time during weekend/Sunday, I will spend more time on practising because time is running short for me to plying with it particularly on weekday evening (after work). If you had learnt it before, you might have some basic concept and find it less difficult to pick up again. At least, you have basic knowledge on music notes & theory. ((But I started from "zero")) As for 學小提琴既地方介紹, I agree that if you can afford, you are advised to go for private one-to-one lesson. After comparison, I can only see around HK$200 - $250 difference between learning from private teacher and piano/music centre based on an 1 hour lesson per week. (given that the private teacher is not very high-flying, famous one or already a professional in local famous orchestra, otherwise, the $$$ will be very expensive per hour). Mine is charging $200/hour for beginner. He is full time violin teacher, experienced in teaching students from age 4 to 40. Good luck!

2008-02-03 22:53:23 補充:
After comparison, I can only see around HK$200 - $250 difference PER MONTH between learning from private teacher and piano/music centre based on an 1 hour lesson per week, (i.e. 4 lessons per month).
2008-02-01 1:25 am
2008-01-31 10:41 pm
唔會 但係已經忘記得七七八八,會有難度
2008-01-31 10:33 pm
2008-01-31 10:30 pm
2008-01-31 10:29 pm
2008-01-31 10:28 pm
2008-01-31 10:24 pm
2008-01-31 10:23 pm
no,if you love !

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