Stop-loss or hold?

2008-01-31 9:31 pm
I bought 133, 941, 2328 and 2318 at the highest level (HSI above 32,000). Now the downward trend have been continuing without any signs of recovery in the near future and all have dropped by more than 50 percent. As a medium-term investor, I have not set stop-loss limits, accumulating a great on-the-book loss.
Facing USA's economic recession and China's continual macro-financial control measures, should I stop loss or continue to hold them?

回答 (1)

2008-02-09 10:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
若果你喺恒指32,000點時買入上述嘅股票, 我絕對感受到你依家嘅心情!

若果你屬於中線投資者, 又唔等錢用, 我建議你可繼續持有133 & 941, 因為基金長遠嚟講仍算穩健而中移動嘅發展潛力亦算大; 至於2328同2318, 兩隻同屬內地金融股, 你可以二選一持有, 因為今年嘅內銀股受到次按同宏調影響下, 相信業務發展必定有嚴重嘅負面影響! 本人就寧願趁反彈嘅時候, 全數沽出2328及2318去換碼追回失地, 若果真係要持有其中一隻, 我就會選2328喇!


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