大學的english language studies - listening skill

2008-01-31 8:11 pm
快要考試了, 我的listening 方面不夠好, 考試時會播一段約4至5分鐘的外國人說話, 或對話...聽呢段英文說話前, 我地有少少時間看一看約十條問題, 看完後便開始聽, 只可聽一次咋, 我成日聽到好似答案的位, 便立即抄低個英文字, 但係抄得黎, 又聽唔切, 又跟唔切後面講左d 咩, 有時仲會聽左佢講的英文, 但係唔明個英文字點解, 或者點串....
請問大家有冇方法又快又易記低答案...同埋若聽唔明個英文字有咩方法, listening 有冇咩特別既skill!??

回答 (3)

2008-02-02 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
試試看這個看英文短片的網站, 有中英對照, 以及英美政治家的演講, 你可以從最簡單的開始, 慢慢地就聽得越來越多了.
2008-02-01 6:28 pm
I search for the skills online and I conclude them as followings:

- Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything.
- Do not be scared or worried when you do not understand something. If you can not understand ONE whole Question, it is no bug deal, Skip this Q and do the next one. BE CALM
- DO NOT translate into your native language THINK in ENGLISH ..this may be hard to do, it requires a lot of practice, but you can do it slowly by slowly
- Listen for the general idea and KEY words

I googled a few sites that maybe useful to you =]

this site have english radio programs for you to listen:

if you want to learn/listen to idioms, you can use this site:

you should watch more english movies to improve too, here are some tips:

Watch the DVD all the way through in English only (no sub-titles).
Watch it again (scene by scene) in English with your language as sub-titles. Repeat scenes as necessary.
Watch it again in (scene by scene) in English with English sub-titles. Repeat scenes as necessary.
Watch it again in your language all the way through with English sub-titles.
If you aren't sick to death of it yet watch it again in English all the way through with no sub-titles.
參考: =]
2008-01-31 11:15 pm
I think you need to start watching the Eng news / drama as to practise your listening skills first.

Besides you also need to fully understand the questions otherwise you dont know how to pick up the key points.

P.S wide reading will increase your vocabulary.

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