我想過 我想去死 但是可否自己找一個答覆給我

2008-01-31 7:35 pm
自從在四年級後 我清楚自己的學習是不好 我真的好辛苦 我常常身體都好像很重
我知道我可能是逃避現實 但是我很怕 我怕我一踏出第一步 就會失敗 現在我連一個人生目標都沒有 我該怎麼辦 我可能是沒有什麼好 我只有不好的地方嗎 我真的不知該怎樣做 我怕 我好怕 我不知為什麼會這樣怕 ps 一位好老師令我想通了這樣下去不是辦法 就在四年級後 身體很重時 我會去睡覺 我不想這樣阿 可否幫下我

回答 (6)

2008-01-31 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i also once wanted to die at your age, because i am not very clever and good at my studies. however, i later believed in God(天主教) and i prayed to God and tell Him my sufferings. i also changed my whole self later. i was very bad in my studies and i was not good to my friends, but now i'm better because i tried to correct in my behaviours
who knows if you will become better and better IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN BECOME BETTER?
you are only ten years old, and who knows you might chnge 1 or 2 years later? you still have 90 years to become better!
believe that things can change, but YOU should be the FIRST one to try to improve yourself.
if you yourself don't try to improve, who else can help you even though they want to help you?
i believe you can do better!
God bless you and loves you always!
i will pray for you.

2008-01-31 12:24:32 補充:
sorry, i don't know how to type Chinese. you see, you can type Chinese better than i can, so why can't you be better than me in other parts of life?

2008-01-31 12:28:04 補充:
forgot to say, DON'T do these things:play too many computer gamessuicidehurt yourself or othersdisobey your parents if they are saying the right thingsdo not tell anyone your feelings
參考: me
2008-02-01 8:51 am
哈 ~ 哈 ~ 若然你真係十一歲, 我真係覺得好好笑, 十一歲就話無人生目標,

你唔好jit我笑啦.....咁果D三四十歲都無人生目標既人, 咪要一個個咁去死!

我睇棺材舖同殯儀館都要開多一百幾十間先得啦..! 好簡單啫 ~ 上網識多D

朋友傾計, 包你開心, 包有人同你分享, 你又識打字, 唔使驚識唔到人, 因為而

家D人最鐘意識細路仔, 反而大小小就無人睬你添....! 其實~ 你都係想多D人

2008-01-31 8:16 pm
2008-01-31 8:02 pm
人生目標, 係睇吓你點諗, 你有無諗過將來係點吖?? 我以前都好似你咁諗, 秒秒鐘都係, 又唔死得!! 你試吓搵社工幫吓你, 或者可以搵到其他解決方法呢!! 有時做人諗開啲, 唔好死牛一邊頸, 世界自然更美好.
2008-01-31 7:53 pm


2008-01-31 14:41:18 補充:
2008-01-31 7:39 pm

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