
2008-01-31 4:16 pm
我的父母將會由香港到英國希斯路機場再轉機到曼徹斯特機場,他們不懂英語,而母親行動有少許不便,但已跟航空公司預定了輪椅,我聽說整個轉機過程比較繁複,工作人員會否協助整個轉機過程嗎?而輪椅是否在希斯路機場下機時已有工作人員等待她嗎?他們在04:50下機,而轉下一班航機是07:40,是否足夠嗎? 航空公司是英航。thks!

回答 (2)

2008-02-01 2:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You must clarify with BA that you are landing at Terminal 4 while the domestic flight will be in Terminal 1 or 2. Make sure that you have helper to assist your parents in Customs & Excise and bring them to Terminal 1 or 2.

From Terminal 4 you need to walk about 20 minutes. If disabled, takes longer.
Talk to BA to arrange an electrical motor car to carry your parents to Terminal 1 or 2.

You should :

1) ensure which terminal ( 1, 2 , 3, 4 )
2) ensure helper will be available outside the aircraft.
3) ensure which terminal (1 or 2) for domestic flight from London to Manchester.

Check ; www.baa.co.uk

Look luck
參考: I am a Londoner
2008-01-31 6:23 pm
英航會有人講廣東話的, 但在香港一定要問叮囑清楚, 一定要請他們帶你家人去轉機,轉機時間絶對足夠(意外事件除外),不用担心. 理論上在你踏離飛機時已有輪椅恭候.這樣早到的機, 機場上是少人的, 我多次去也不用檢, 直走!

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