車門夾衣輾死女童 小巴司機囚4月only?? how comes?

2008-01-31 11:59 am
車門夾衣輾死女童 小巴司機囚4月. . .
about this news...
why only 4 monthes??
a little girl life = 4 monthes only??
i dont understand~
what the hell rules and law is it?
anyone can tell ? and explain?

回答 (3)

2008-02-05 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
刑事審訊唔係為了提供保償, 而係追究刑事責任, 我不知道當時司機的行為是否有疏忽的成份, 還是只不過是意外, 但法庭決定四個月的刑期並不代表該小孩的性命只值四個月;

而小孩的家長亦可以民事追究金錢賠償, 那是後話了;
2008-01-31 7:23 pm
2008-01-31 12:31 pm
They properbly to look at her parent did care for her........
I will said that is unbelievable!
參考: me me

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