English Oral

2008-01-31 9:09 am
當某人打噴嚏後,常聽到外國人會對他說一句說話,那句說話到底是什麼呢 ?

回答 (3)

2008-01-31 12:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
全句應該係 "God Bless You", 以下係幾個較多人流傳嘅講法:

(There are several beliefs of this phrase.)

1) A human's soul might escape through a sneeze.
Saying "God bless you" wards off Satan while the soul is temporarily vulnerable.

2) Another story veers toward the medical.
People believed that the heart stopped during a sneeze.
A hearty "God bless you" set the ol' ticker back in motion.

3) But the most popular theory comes from the Middle Ages.

During the bubonic plague, a sneeze was believed to be a sign of impending death.
"God bless you" was "a way of commending his soul to the care of God." The phrase may have also come in handy to protect oneself if someone nearby sneezed.

to read more go to: http://ask.yahoo.com/20060411.html
參考: myself, 希望可以幫倒你.
2008-01-31 9:59 am

= excuse me = 對不起

-*** 100 % right ****

2008-01-31 9:24 am
bless you=祝福,because 打完噴嚏後,就係你未病時祝福你,等你唔好病

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