fill in usa visa form

2008-01-31 8:30 am
i want to know what should i write on that 'address when staying in US' blank , should i just write down a hotel name ? cos i dun hv a friend or family member in the states and i am planing to go there thru canada next mnth , thanks !

回答 (1)

2008-01-31 10:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Writing down the hotel name and address is perfectly fine.
Accordingly to their policy, if you were to stay in a hotel for one night and travel to another area, you may simply put down the address of where you are staying for the first night.
Actually, no one (the immigration officers) will pay attention to what address you put down. Any reasonable address is acceptable.
參考: I have done it over 20 times already

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