SURVEY: Do you think it is right to force a child to sit there and finish everything on their plate?

2008-01-31 1:32 am

回答 (19)

2008-01-31 5:16 pm
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Absolutely NOT. When that Child is Hungry, they will Eat. Setting Regular Meal times is a GOOD Idea. However, making anyone Eat when they do not want to is setting them up for Future Eating Disorders, Obesity, Bulimia, Anorexia...... If the child is not hungry, let them leave the Table,but when they come later and want snacks, either give them back the food that was left behind or tell them that they should have eaten when the Food was on the Table. Set regular Meal Times with snacks in between, but do not Force them to Eat all that is on the Plate!!!!
參考: Personal Experience.
2008-01-31 1:38 am
That is the most ridiculous thing ever.....the experts say it causes childhood obesity because it trains kids to keep eating even though they are feeling full. Besides....if I try something as an adult and dont like one makes me finish it!!
2008-01-31 1:36 am
no its wrong. you should let the child serve themselves, and if they cant eat it, make sure they know not to take as much next time. its good to teach that its wrong to waste food, but its also wrong to force someone to overeat... thats how people become overweight.
2008-01-31 1:36 am
no, i used to hate tht, u shouldnt force ur child 2 eat if there not hungry, just save it for later!
2008-02-02 3:10 pm
I dont do that because a child can choice the food they dont like to eat but the unhealthy food I must forced them not to eat so much
2008-02-01 5:21 am
I don't think it's right for kids to be forced to eat everything on their plate.

But I also don't believe in wasting food, so if they didn't eat it all, I would just wrap it up for the next day or something.
2008-01-31 2:03 am
No! not at all, how horrible.
the child knows when they are full or not, and since the parent has no sensors linked to the child's stomach, how can they know?
that is just wrong...
the child wont starve, I see it as just another way for the parent to have control...
my opinion anyway
2008-01-31 1:42 am
No i don't ............... children have such little tummies that usually they can't eat a full plate of food anyways !! Then they come back 2 hours later hungry again cos they've used up all their fuel and need another refill ............ that's why it's a good idea to have 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day (grazing they call it) .......... easier on the digestive system too... :0)

2008-01-31 1:41 am
it's crazy...wen i was younger i couldn't leave the table till everythin was nite we had meatloaf and I HATE meatloaf....we eat dinner around 5pm i was at that damn table till after 8pm...till this day i won't eat meatloaf....i mean after all who's giving out the portions....the they need to give smaller portions...
2008-01-31 1:39 am
No. Whomever does this might get it right back at them. Not the pleasant way either. Childrens stomachs are very small and they stop when full, more adults should be like them. If you make them stuff it all in, they'll throw it up!

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