Have you ever sprained your back doing something stupid?

2008-01-30 9:57 pm
I don't mean like, FUN...I mean, getting up out of a recliner or changing the sheets.

[not recently, but yes I have]

See, as bendy as I am, you'd think that stunt sex would be the reason...but it WASN'T... Stunt sex=fun=doesn't count, but we still love you.

回答 (21)

2008-01-30 10:02 pm
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I helped my brother move. All day, lifting furniture, boxes, whatnot, and no problem.

I'm getting ready to leave, and set my can of Pepsi on the roof of my car. I get into my car. My brother reminds me of my Pepsi. I reach up to get it, and WHAM! Like I'd been stabbed with a rusty ice pick.
2008-01-30 10:04 pm
Yeah ... I challenged this Yeti to a contest to see who could make it to the bottom of the mountain first ... I tripped over his big feet and made it down first but man .... do you know those boulders are really, really hard ....not funny hard like in cartoons ...seeing stars hard. .... where is a flexible, musically inclined health professional when you need one?
2008-01-30 10:00 pm
Does stunt sex count?

I'm a professional, so I don't mix business with pleasure.
2008-01-30 10:42 pm
I have sciatica and I can throw my back out just by sneezing the wrong way, or lifting the wrong way. Sex is nonexistent for me, so I can't blame it on that, unfortunately.
2008-01-30 10:03 pm
Not my back, but I spraied lots of stuff doing stupid stuff... Like jumping off the roof stupid, or playing paintball in shorts and a T-shirt, not like stepping in front of a car stupid.
2008-01-30 10:01 pm
I was mopping the kitchen, and threw my back out for 3 weeks!
2008-01-30 10:01 pm
Sigh. Yes..picking up my puppy. It was so bad I was off work for two weeks. Even my base Doc was amazed at how severe it was...

2008-01-31 5:37 am
I was in the ceiling fitting some insulation when my foot slipped and I fell through the ceiling and landed on the floor next to the bed.
Just one foot sideways and I wouldn't have got a slipped disc or wet my pants cos I couldn't move and nobody was home.

2008-01-30 11:35 pm
I actually got a herniated disc because I decided to turn my mattress over. Here I was trying to do good and the good came out bad. I couldn't even get out of bed. It was a sad day for Shrunken Fro
2008-01-30 11:31 pm
Saw a picture of this daft crazy lady with her foot on her nose once.

Tried to copy it and spent 3 weeks in traction. ;o)

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