
2008-01-31 7:32 am


回答 (3)

2008-02-02 8:56 pm
You should go to Goethe Institue at the Art Centre at Wanchai. Goethe has lots of support in the past - we can borrow newsapaper, magazines, books, tapes or CD nowadays.

German language is not so difficult if your English standard is fairly good.

It is very similar to English. It is fun to get started.

Do not hesitate and go to try to learn it - Good Morning = German is Guten Morgen
Good Afternoon - Guten Tag, Good Evening - Guten Abend etc.

Anyway, you should concentrate in your school lesson first before you really spend too much time in taking up one more lanaguage

Hope you enjoy your beginners' course in German at Goethe Institue.
2008-02-01 1:56 pm
Aller anfang ist schwer.Ein sprichwort sagt;Selbst der langste weg beginnt mit eiem ersten schritt,Aber dieser erste schritt is manchmal ganz schoen schwer.
Die besten beginn sie mit CD course >>>>>>>>
2008-01-31 7:44 am
德國文化協會(灣仔藝術中心哪棟樓,去到看看是哪層樓便搭電梯上吧), 但是用英語授課的.你學德語年紀不大, 我學時仲大啦, 德語不太難學的, 不用怕, 你可乘機學埋英文啦. 但如果真的担心不明白,可到工聯會先, 哪兒平得多,主要用廣東話教.

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