
2008-01-31 7:01 am

回答 (4)

2008-02-01 5:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
冰鮮 = previous frozen (most of the time the products are defrosted for sales)
急凍 = frozen
雪藏 = refridgerated
參考: I am a native English speaker and live in US
2008-01-31 9:37 am
冰鮮--> Ice
Keep cold by being surrounded by ice or foods become covered with ice.

急凍 --> Chill
Preserve food at a low temperatre withour freezing it.

雪藏 -- > Frozen
Preserved by being stored at a temperature below freezing-point.

Hoping it can help you!
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary
2008-01-31 9:25 am
1. frozen, e.g. frozen food-----to store and preserve food by means of freezing food below freezing pont at 0 degree C, e.g. to freeze meat or sea-food in order to keep it in a longer period than just to re-frigerate it.
2. quick frozen, e.g. quick frozen food---------to freeze food below 0 degree C, especially sea-food, such as shrimp, lobster, in a quick way instantly when they are still alive, to lock in freshness and flavour.
3.re-frigerate, e.g. refrigerated food-------to store and preserve food cold in a re-frigerater, usually around 3 to 4 degrees C., some medicines are needed to be re-frigerated, but not to be freezed.

In conclusion, frozen food and quick frozen food can be kept in a very long period of time which can be over 1 year. For re-frigerated food, such as , meat and sea-food, it can only be kept for not more than 5 days, other products like dairy products, only 1 week.

For Type No.1 and No.2,----the foods have to be stored below freezing pont. For No.3, the foods have to be stored around 3 to 4 degrees C.
2008-01-31 8:16 am
參考: me

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