英文専家請進!(關於Future tense)

2008-01-31 4:01 am
我想問英文幾時用will,幾時用shall,幾時用going to?

回答 (3)

2008-01-31 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案

will is for He, She, It, I, You, We, They
Shall is only for I, You, We, They

both will and shall can be used in question!!!!

will you come tomorrow?=shall you come tomorrow?
參考: 自己
2008-01-31 10:03 pm
基本上, 呢幾個字可以互通


- 以對於將來既肯定性黎講, going to 係最肯定, 所以可以用來講一d已落實既計畫或行程 e.g. I am going to school tomorrow.
- 相對地, will/shall 既肯定程度比較低
e.g. I will/shall probably go to school tomorrow.
不可以講: I am probably going to school tomorrow.

note: shall 比較少出現係美式英語
2008-01-31 4:18 am
will解將會是將來式而shall通常是問句才用,going to解準備去做同will差不多!


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