printer 問題

2008-01-30 11:50 pm
my printer is HP deskjet F2120 All-in-one

唔知點解print唔到純黑色 彩色就print到
但係應該唔係冇墨 因為盞燈冇著

我係word度試下 print
print黑色 出黎變左灰色

係 notepad 試 直頭print唔到黑色


help! >

回答 (3)

2008-01-31 12:10 am
測試墨盒存量吧! 另外清潔一次PRINT HEAD, 再看PRINT 出來效果,
若以上都做齊仍不行, 就要換一個新墨再試, 若不然就肯定是墨頭出了問題, 你可
嘗試用火酒輕抺墨頭及墨盒再試PRINT, 如果都不行要待維修了。 請問你是否用
原裝墨呢? 最好少代用了因易塞墨呀!
2008-01-30 11:58 pm
Your printer 's ink is empty.I have had this moment.I changed the ink.And it's OK for print in Black
參考: ME
2008-01-30 11:54 pm
I think it is your printer's jet head problem, use hp utilities to clean it first. If problem still exists, take it to service centre for repair.

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