想了解"英國機械工程師學會"中 的IENG是什麼??

2008-01-30 7:33 pm
在英國機械工程師學會中, 我見到有2種MEMBERS, 有 CENG和IENG(Incorporated Engineer), 想請問有什麼分別呢? 我知道CENG是註冊工程師, IENG在香港工作有沒有用??IENG是不是不可以簽機器的FORM4,FORM5呢??請問等同於HKIE的什麼GRADE??

另外, 當如果讀完MASTER (Polyu)後, 要怎樣可以有Chartered Engineer(在HKIE), 我公司沒有行SCHEME A training, 但如果想Apply Chartered Engineer(在英國工程師學會), 請問情況和HKIE有什麼分別??

Thanks a lot!!

如果我讀完MASTER (Polyu)後, 要怎樣可以有Chartered Engineer(在HKIE), 但我公司沒有行SCHEME A training?? 請問要有什麼要求才可以chartered?? 另如果想Apply Chartered Engineer(在英國工程師學會), 請問手續和HKIE有什麼分別??

回答 (2)

2008-01-30 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Incorporated engineer is a professional qualification in engineering (not a degree) offered through professional associations that act as subsidiary instruments of the Engineering Council (UK). The Engineering Council (UK) is the regulatory authority for professional registration of engineers in the United Kingdom.

Incorporated engineers currently require an accredited bachelors degree in engineering or technology, or a higher national certificate or diploma, or a foundation degree in engineering or technology, plus appropriate further learning to the degree level.

The academic requirements must be accompanied by the appropriate experience in employment. In addition to the experience and academic requirements, the engineering candidate must have three references that vouch for the performance of the individual being considered for professional recognition.

Most chartered engineers have honours degrees in engineering, science or mathematics, and the latest regulations require new registrants to have a MEng degree or complete a postgraduate "matching section".

CEng 需要大學榮譽畢業加四年工作經驗, 而IEng 係等同於NVQ Level 5, 係從NVQ Level 1 讀起. 算係工程系技術人員.
IEng 喺香港有一定程度認可.
YES, 喺英國15,16,17歲就可以讀NVQ課程. 但你唔係佢地本地人, 學費都會幾貴下囉! 更何況要讀到Level 5,可能一讀就5,6年.去到英文如果未合乎標準又要讀N年嘅語言學校...


When the educational base has been assessed and approved, candidates will follow the process to Professional Review detailed in the Guidance Notes. This will involve submitting a Portfolio of Evidence and undertaking a Professional Review Interview which allows candidates to demonstrate that they have reached the educational and training standards set by the Engineering Council (UK) and have the relevant experience.

要比人review你合唔合姿格, 要比錢既.



2008-02-09 11:05:45 補充:
兩種方法取得 CEng 和 IEng 資格: 1. 標準途徑: ECHK 公認的學院證書符合學術教育對基礎知識的規定.2. 個別途徑: 如擁有不受公認的學院證書, 必需要清楚證明已取得相等於對標準途徑之規定, 比如工作履歷, 學歷, 有關之受訓記錄, 或可與工程師團體商議, 尋求最合適的方法.

2008-02-09 11:07:04 補充:
可行方法如下:*以個人經驗寫一份技術性的報告 (two formats are available – Further Learning Training Report or experienced-based Technical Report), 可證明他對工程學的學識和原理理解.*通過工程師協會考試*沿著在職培訓計劃接受評審*通過所加入之工程師協會指定的學院證書

2008-02-09 11:09:15 補充:
當學術上的資格被審批, 應試者將接受professional review. 內容包括提供相關證明文件的卷宗夾 (Porfolio of Supporting Document Evidence) 和 面談 (interview), 證明應試者已達到 Engineeering Council (UK) 之學術上和技術上的標準和相關經驗.

2008-02-09 11:09:40 補充:
註: HKIE 屬於Washington Accord, 如已取得香港公認的學院證書和相關經驗, 皆可報名 ECUK. 首先要加入其中一個 Engineering Institution (網址: http://www.engc.org.uk/registration/Institutions.aspx ), 經這協會報名 CEng 或 IEng.PS: HKIE 和 ECUK 在程序上分別不大

2008-02-09 11:20:19 補充:
公司沒有行SCHEME A training 讀完MASTER (Polyu) =CEng 要公認的學院證書和相關經驗, 如已取得 DEGREE 或 MASTER, 可加入 HKIE 的 Graduate Class Membership, 如就讀期間也可加入 HKIE 的 Student Class Membership.

2008-02-09 11:20:50 補充:
詳情可於 HKIE查詢Web page: http://www.hkie.org.hk/ Address: 9/F Island BeverleyNo 1 Great George StreetCauseway Bay Hong Kong Tel: ( 852) 2895 4446Fax: ( 852) 2577 7791Email : [email protected]
2008-01-31 4:35 pm
I want to clarify that the information provided by the gentleman above regarding the requirements to become a Chartered Engineer (i.e. CEng) of Engineering Council of U.K.

The need to have a university degree is NOT a must to become a CEng. If you are a member of a professional institution of U.K. (e.g. MIMechE), you can join the Engineer Council and become a Chartered Engineer. Of course, you need to meet the academic and training requirements of the professional institute you wish to join in the first place.

Many of my friends are Chartered Engineer but they are not degree holders. Of course, they have equivalent academic standard.

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