
2008-01-30 5:24 pm
你可知道現在是1月30日,謂何那麼遲才報告。我相信不是生產上問題,而是內部互相溝通上有問題,你當時向我們詢問船期指引是1月10日,相隔20天後才報告船期再阻滯,希望你明白是會完全影響到顧客在誠信方面、人力安排、市場零售、廣告投資成本 導致不能與同一行業的競爭者作出較有利的優勢。

回答 (1)

2008-01-30 6:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to know the reason for reporting to us at so late a time, since it is already 30 Jan 2008 . I believe the problem is not due to production, but the intra-communications in the company.

At the time you enquired after the shipping date to be 10 Jan 2008; however, you only reported delay after 20 days. The situation severly affects our superiority amongst other competitors in the same trading, including sincerity, personnel schedule, retail marketing and advertising investment .

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