when do I us " and" and "or"??????

2008-01-30 5:02 pm
I want to know when do I us " and"?
and I want to know when do I us " or"?

Hope u can help me

回答 (5)

2008-01-30 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
And=as well as
用法系把上句跟下句連接 或是同類並列
例子: I like hiking and cycling. ( 同類並列 通常系用於舉例)
She has eaten the cake and has drunk the tea.(上下句連接)
例子: Do you like eating apple or orange?
2008-01-30 7:21 pm
2008-01-30 6:03 pm
longching2004, I really don't know when do you use and even or. It depends on what you want to explain.

If you want to know what the different between "and " and "or ", you can see a dictionary and find out the meaning of and, like this - it is a conj. word, means as well as; also; then, afterwards; joins repeated words; used instead of 'to' after come, go, try, to show the sequence of actions. What about or - it is a conj. word also, means as an alternative; because if not; also know as. Some dictionaries have examples, so, you can learn them more accurately.

Nevertheless, they all are logical words, may be you can find a book talking about logic, and see how to use them in the true/ false condition. It is hard to explain it to you here.

So, when do you use and or use or? See the meaning, and you can try to use them to explain what you want to say.
參考: Instant-dict
2008-01-30 5:14 pm
用and的時候,means your sentence味完,仲有嘢講
I like doll and door.
用or的時候,means your sentence問.../...
You like she or he?
2008-01-30 5:08 pm
and 是"和", 例如貓和狗, Cat and dog
or是"或", 例如 茶或咖啡, Tea or coffee

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