
2008-01-30 5:01 pm
如果有一個物件會發出有機揮發物 (VOC), 在真空的箱子內,會否繼續釋放 VOC, 直至充滿整個箱子的空間, 而 物件會發出VOC 的多與少可以用 VOC 能充滿整個箱子的空間所需時間而定 ?

回答 (1)

2008-01-30 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If the substance can release VOCs, then the box containing it will not be vaccum until all VOCs are released. "Vaccum" means that there is "no" (in practice, vaccum means a very very low concentration of gas molecules present) gas molecule present. Whenever you attempt to remove the VOC from the box, it will release more VOCs until equilibrium was met.

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