Is Zac cheated on V?

2008-01-30 2:32 am
I found a video in youtube it wrote that Zac cheated on V

回答 (1)

2008-02-07 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
NO!!! Zac DIDN'T cheat on V, they are very much in love... Zac is busy with his new movie, Seventeen Again, and he just had a sugury last month so he need some rest... V is busy with her new album and new movie, Will...
So they r not seen together... But Zac n V r very much in love!!! See these RECENT 2008 PHOTOS

2008-02-12 18:52:29 補充:
N the latest news is that Zac Efron bought a Heart-Shaped Ring for Vanessa.... She loved it very very much

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