
2008-01-30 12:35 am
A: Did you [1.watch] the evening news last night?
B: Yes,why?
A: I [2.saw] Tom on the news.
B: Really?What happened to him?
A: Don"t worry. It was good news.He [3.helped] a policeman to catch a robber yesterday .
B: where did he [4.catch] the robber?
A: He [5.caught] the robber in Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station.
B: Wow! I"m veryexcited to hear that Tom did such a good thing.I [6._____ ](call) him tonight.


回答 (9)

2008-01-30 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
答案係 will call
所以要用未來式(future tense)嚟說明該句子的時間性.
參考: 自己
2008-01-30 3:43 am
我覺得第6條應該用 I would call him tonight.
雖然樓上諸位所說的will call都沒有完全錯,但因為B並沒有說他一定會call Tom tonight.
除非他編排好了或是十分確定他tonight真的會call Tom,在十分肯定情況下用will call就比較適合。

It was good news 應寫成 It was a good news. He helped a policeman 應寫成 He has helped a policeman.

參考: 我自己
2008-01-30 12:46 am
係will call,
因為個"tonight"代表左Future tense,
你以後見倒佢, 都應該係用Future tense 嫁喇 ^^
參考: 係will call,
2008-01-30 12:45 am
係will call,
因為個"tonight"代表左Future tense,
你以後見倒佢, 都應該係用Future tense 嫁喇 ^^
2008-01-30 12:45 am
係will call呀 ''
因為佢果度係講緊tonight ''
所以要用future tense '' =]
2008-01-30 12:44 am
will call
因為今晚先 call = future tense
2008-01-30 12:41 am
6. Will call
2008-01-30 12:40 am
2008-01-30 12:39 am
will call

2008-01-30 12:47:47 補充:
because the tonight this word.

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