
2008-01-29 6:15 pm

回答 (10)

2008-01-29 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2008-02-04 9:49 pm
如果是假, 點解全部當時人突然離開香港, 不是一個, 而且警方巳找到個百張相片, 有無高手整百張咁多.
2008-02-04 8:41 pm
2008-01-30 7:32 pm
如果係合成的話, 一定技術超高囉, 阿嬌果幾張有晒表情, 合成連表情都做倒?! 我就真係唔清楚喇.....可以的話D人唔洗咁慘, 真係去影依D相, 搵電腦就得啦, 洗乜咁煩呢?!

張柏芝果張, 係TOILET度影, 個廁所板係PAUL FRANK唻架, EDISON好鍾意PAUL FRANK, 以前用千幾蚊去買PAUL FRANK既睡衣. 我估果度係佢自既屋企......如果真係佢自拍的話.

相裹張柏芝既身形, (腳肌, 膚色) 同佢真人係都好似.

BOBO果張, 又係有表情既, 同埋BOBO冇乜胸架嘛, 又係付合倒真人囉.

有D假既就係, 佢地係明星唻架嘛, 影前會有知覺會有機會洩露出去架啦, 正常都唔會影.
2唻, 每張相既EDISON都係同一個髮型, 有D唔係咁岩TIMING.

係真係假都好啦, 人紅自然有人妒忌, 得罪人多既EDISON, 要反省啦, 真係鍾意過佢既人, 今次比佢累死......
2008-01-30 2:26 am
你 有 冇 良 心 嫁 -V-''
嬌 gIL 係 1 個 乖 乖 女 ``
我 信 佢 係 唔 會 咁 做 的 ```
前 幾 日 `` 有 人 冇 啦 啦 SD 張 相 俾 我 ``
我 話 ,, 你 咩 事 牙 ` 識 你 嫁 ?! 做 咩 S D 俾 我 姐 ?! 我 又 冇 話 要 ,,
都 唔 知 佢 咩 事 `` 傻 傻 地 ``
唔 該 大 家 `` 可 唔 可 以 唔 好 SD 張 相 俾 人 牙 `?!
咩 人 都 唔 好 SD 牙`` s0rry牙`
為 左 嬌 gIL,, 我 都 唔 想 嫁!
參考: Twins Fans iS Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-01-30 1:05 am
我覺得係真因為幾年前已經聽過人地話edison 拎個harddisc俾人整, 果個人發現harddisc入面有好多edison同d 女仔ml d相, 仲有ar gill 同rachel, 果時我都唔係好相信。
2008-01-29 10:34 pm
I personally think it's real. If they insist it's fake, I have a few doubts:

1. It takes a genius a long time to fake such a photo, cos everything is so natural. The lighting in the photo is not the ordinary day lights, but the kind of deem yellow light that you get when you take it in a room at night. Tell me who can take a photo of Mr E and Ms G in this kind of lighting? Also, Ms G seems to have no make up, not looking at the camera but a very natural head position that fits the body perfectly. To find one such perfect photo is almost impossible!

2. Someone found another photo of Mr E's bedroom online, which shows exactly the same bed, side-table, wall light, wall decorations, etc...it's 100% sure the room is Mr E's. Tell me, who else can take a night photo in his room at that angle, except for E himself?

3. There's another photo of Mr E and another actress Ms B. It's a close up photo and the background shows the same room again. COME ON! Ms B is giving him a BJ, her mouth open and tongue out! How can that be fake?

4. Both girls had past relationship with Mr E. Also, there had been photos of Mr E showing off himself on the internet in the past.

I'm very convinced it's real. People are making a fuss about it saying it's a sabotage, but I can the police should start questioning Mr E himself first. There's no doubt the pictures are taken in his room, by himself. How can these photos end up in other people's computer in the first place, before other people could distribute it? If he insist it's fake, then prove it! Show us the REAL picutre and who were the real people in it!
2008-01-29 9:11 pm

2008-01-29 6:40 pm
2008-01-29 6:21 pm

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