rat fox terrier breed?

2008-01-29 1:36 am
can you tell me about the breed rat/fox terrier? I saw one at the pet store for $299.00..11 weeks old.. so adorable. He had one black ear and one white spotted ear. I may purchase him tomorrow

I would like to know what i need for him to start? do i really need to take him out thoughout the middle of the night?


i have a 9 yr old daughter who wants him bad and a 23 month old son


i have tried to go the animal shelter way to get a dog but everytime i go, a puppy is on hold so that is why i am now doing pet stores.

回答 (5)

2008-01-29 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
My brother had a rat terrier. She was a good dog but TONS of energy. She was known to just run and run and run. Your kids will definately be great assets to this high energy dog. Keep in mind that small dogs have small bladders but if you take the time to understand the dogs personality and hints, you can easily train him and over a very months, the trips outside will lessen. I'd definately suggest letting the puppy out just before bed. Kennel or crate it in a cage just big enough so that it can turn around. Use cardboard as a divider for a crate that may be too big for him until he's full grown. Dogs aren't naturally dirty animals...they try not to go to the bathroom in their living areas. Until you are comfortable, check on him once or twice a night and let him out.
2008-01-29 9:55 am
It sounds like they are selling a mix breed dog because a Rat Terrier & Toy Fox Terrier different, but very similar breeds. I am owned by one of each and can tell you from experience, they are very active and intelligent breeds. The real difference I see between them is structural, personality traits are the same. Rat Terriers tend to have thicker bones (purposely bred this way) and a little more muscular. Ironically, it was our Rat Terrier who broke his leg @ 2 yrs old however, we've had ER visits with the Toy Fox Terrier due to a compressed disc in her back. Both are easily trained and mine LOVE to do tricks (walk on hind legs, spin around, roll over, etc). Both are "ratters" so they like to chase small animals (squirrels, birds, bugs, anything that moves) and will certainly find lost toys and things you had given up looking for. I love both breeds and highly recommend them. I do believe that they need to either be constantly stimulated (exercise or games) or need to have another dog around. Mine get a little clingy when the other isn't around and will start getting into the trash when they're bored. TFTs are recognized by the AKC so you could check out their website & Rat Terriers are recognized by the UKC (ukcdogs.com). You can find more info on those sites and even breeders (to view pictures of both breeds). Good luck!
2008-01-29 9:41 am
well all you have to do is purchase him and treat him like any other dog with luv
2008-01-29 9:33 pm
I dont know but if it is make you feel happy, I support you to continue.
2008-01-29 9:48 am
Don't buy from a pet store, you will be getting a poorly bred dog who may have tons of health problems, and you will be supporting the people who bred him that way. Find a good breeder or rescue one.

Rat terriers have lots of anxiety issues, please make sure to find a training class so he does not get fear aggressive.

Of course he will need to go out in the middle of the night. Buy a crate and a book on crate training, this will help. But all puppies have to go out every few hours at first, especially small breeds.

EDIT: This list is for Orlando. I don't know where in Flordia you are. But just change the town.

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