i hate my dad?

2008-01-28 11:52 pm
this isn't a question i just hate him

回答 (10)

2008-01-28 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
join the club sista
my dad beats us
he finally left us
then he came bck
sooo maddd right noww
2008-01-29 8:22 am
Sorry to hear that! But I love my dad and he's the most wonderful person in the world. Now he passed away and I miss him every single minute in my life..
2008-01-29 8:06 am
Hate is a very strong word. You and your dad probably just don't see eye to eye. When you grow up and have your own children, you will understand what he is doing. A parent has to be strict to teach you the right things so that you can grow up to teach your children the same. It is hard growing up but it is also hard for your dad to do what he has to do. I am sure you are a sweet person, but life does get better.
2008-01-29 8:03 am
Do you have a valid reason for hating him, or is just some teen drama?
2008-01-29 7:57 am
Sorry about that. That's too bad.
2008-01-29 7:57 am
Questions only please
2008-01-29 7:56 am
Normal reaction to parent in the teenage years. When you still hate him when you are living on your own, then that's when you know for sure.
2008-01-29 7:56 am
2008-01-29 7:54 am
note the website, answers.yahoo.com where you ask questions. why do you hate your dad so much?
2008-01-29 7:54 am
don't most teenagers!!

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