英文解釋 謝謝

2008-01-29 7:20 am
Sea change as boats slow down to save fuel and environment
Oil at more than US$90 A barrel is concentrating minds in the shipping industry.Higher fuel cots and mounting pressure to curb wmissions are leading modern merchant power of the sail.

回答 (1)

2008-02-01 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
這段英文很不通, 要靠估. 中文大概是

由於需要節省燃料和保護環境, 航海業出現了改變
現時石油價格已漲至超過90美元一桶. 航海業內人人都想盡方法應付.
高油價, 加上受到壓力要減少廢氣排放, 現代航海業又再考慮運用風力.

原文文理不通, 改不勝改, 只能盡量改正一些單詞
"concentrating minds of " -- 知道是甚麼, 大概是 "費盡心思" 之類吧. try: has occupied the minds / has become the prime concern of
"high fuel cots" -- 大概是高油價, high fuel costs
"wmissions" -- 大概是打錯字, emissions

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