This may be a useful link:
Usually, recommend friends to check-in to Hotel Grand Central which is within min from the main Orchard shopping dist. Well some love the convenience, but, some feedback on the .....
Also, did made booking for Hongkong friends at Llyod's Inn (, which is a charming place, about/less than 5 min from the main Orchard Road, and they love it. Do note that this is not a hotel, but friendly staff, and nice setting. These friends of mine still request for the same place whenever they visit.
Otherwise, go to the link, fit your budget.
As the old Chinese saying:
一分钱一分货 & 丰俭由人
2008-01-30 15:45:41 補充:
btw Phoenix Hotel isn't there anymore and hotel rates may not be the same, so do check