How do I round this to the nearest tenth?

2008-01-27 3:35 pm
Thank You!

回答 (9)

2008-01-27 3:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
its 200
2008-01-27 11:40 pm
A tenth is the number right after the decimal points, which is 9. After that number we find eight, so we will increase it one more number, so it becomes 10. You put the zero in the tenth place and add the one to the number before it. And you keep doing so until... it should end.

Now, it's 200.
2008-01-27 11:40 pm
≈ 200 (to the nearest tenth)
2008-01-27 11:39 pm
參考: my sis is college math teacher
2008-01-27 11:39 pm
To the nearest tenth would be 200.0.
2008-01-27 11:52 pm
2008-01-27 11:51 pm
The answer is 200.

If you have 199.988221 then look at the number after the decimal which in this case is 9. So because it is above 4 you have to round it up the way. So basically you add on 1 onto the 199. Which gives you 200.
2008-01-27 11:44 pm
More decimal places is not proper rounding.
2008-01-27 11:43 pm
.98 rounds to the nearest tenth at .9since 8 is closer to 10 than it is to Zero.

So thus the nearest tenth is above .99 which would be 1.00.
199.98 becomes 200.00

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