Have Windows XP, can send faxes, want to receive faxes. How?

2008-01-27 1:41 pm
Microsoft advises that I need a fax device attachment to receive faxes. Where can I buy this device.

回答 (5)

2008-01-27 1:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That's Microsoft for you!!!

"a fax device attachment", in layman's terms, is a fax machine. It attaches to your PC using a standard phone cable from any phone jack to the dial up modem card.

There are also many online Fax services. Google for them.
2016-10-15 4:51 pm
All you pick is a dial-up modem with fax potential (a.ok.a a fax modem) or those all-in-one with fax that allow you to hook up with the pc and fax via it. Getting a fax gadget will clean up the faxing subjects, in spite of the undeniable fact that it may has not something to do with domicile windows XP. by potential of using a fax modem, you're able to desire to fax especially much each little thing on your pc. in spite of the undeniable fact that in case you have particularly paper, then you definately will pick a scanner to verify that internet site earlier you are able to fax.
2008-01-29 8:33 pm
All you need is a dial-up modem with fax capability (a.k.a a fax modem) or those all-in-one with fax that allow you to connect to the computer and fax through it. Getting a fax machine will solve the faxing issues, but it would has nothing to do with Windows XP. By using a fax modem, you could fax almost everything on your computer. However if you have a piece of paper, then you will need a scanner to scan that page before you can fax.
2008-01-27 2:04 pm
Dude I still dought that u wanna say some thing else.... how ever if u wanna fax then u should scan first and then fax the doc or any thing.......so u should have a scanner or I suggest u HP all-in-one printer which can scan , fax, print, copy etc....

If u r question is abit different then ignore the above.....

2008-01-27 1:44 pm
get a fax machine.

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